Resurrection Sunday has come and gone. Easter has passed. What a celebration it was remembering what Jesus did for us! But just because it’s over doesn’t mean it ends there.  The work of the cross is done, but now our work has begun. 

So Jesus said to them again, “Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”” (‭‭John‬ ‭20‬:‭21‬ ‭NKJV‬‬).  

Backstory: Jesus died and rose again on the 3rd day after just like He said. The disciples in the meantime were tucked up in a house, hiding from the Jews, scared and bewildered from all that happened. They got reports of Jesus being seen alive and they struggled to believe until Jesus Himself appeared to them. When He shows the scars in His hands, His feet and His side, then they believe. He speaks peace over them and basically says, “Now it’s your turn. As My Father sent Me, I also send you.”

Please note that the disciples weren’t perfect. Even after walking with Jesus all that time, they still struggled to believe even after Jesus told them everything that was going to happen. It wasn’t until they had again a personal experience with Jesus that it sank in. Jesus met them right where they were, spoke peace over them and then sent them to go out to the lost, like He was sent. Just like for the disciples, Jesus does the same for us. 

Sometimes, we may hear God but struggle to believe too, but Jesus meets us where we are at. This is part of why we meet for services at church- to get encouraged and have an experience with Jesus, get filled up with Him, and go out again to give Him away to others. Jesus also breathed new life into the disciples and gave them the Holy Spirit, who I refer to as God in us and on us. He did not leave His disciples alone or powerless as He was sending them out and the same goes for us. 

Now that Sunday is over, Monday, and every other day of the week is coming thereafter. Each day is a chance to go and tell of the gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the good news of the salvation that’s been paid for us and the forgiveness of our sins, to let people know that there is life and a hope and His name is Jesus.