Break ‘Em Off

When I was a trainer in the gym, we’d tell each other, “Break ‘em off” before training a client. Now, everyone who was/is not a trainer may not appreciate that statement because you guess that a tough workout was probably coming. You would be right. 

The point of the workout was never to hurt the client. The point was to get the client to break past the limits they were at, to push past their comfort levels that had them bound in weight and frustration rather than in good health and freedom. It was to get them to where they didn’t think they could go but so greatly desired to go to. We had to “break ‘em off.”

I Chronicles 4:9-10 is about Jabez, a man whose name means “the one I bore who causes pain.” He had limits set on him from when he was born because of something he couldn’t control- his birth. Not wanting to live his life with the limitations because of his name, he prayed for God to expand the limitations- to go beyond the limits he currently had on his life. He wanted to have a life and that more abundantly, not be stuck in bondage due to the condition of his name. And God broke him off.

You too can have the same. You can say to God, “Break ‘em off” when it comes to limitations, labels, habits, addictions, ideas, mentalities that don’t line up with what God says and receive the life God is trying to give us. Not only do we say it, but we need to truly let God break those things off of us and not return to them. 

We start new habits like working out spiritually and physically by getting in the word of God and getting in exercise or to the gym. We pray and talk to God when things are difficult, rather than running to gossip, Google, or food for comfort and answers. We lose ourselves in God than in our work and chasing money. Life will be far better when we choose to let God break us off.